Mirrors & Ceramic

Our Laser Engraving system is able to mark mirrors and ceramic with truly fine details.

Custom Engraving on Mirror & Ceramic

Mirror engraving and etching with a Co2 laser produces a beautiful frosted effect, allowing you to etch custom logos and designs on glass. Logos, text (and just about anything else!) stands out even more as the laser creates a beautiful, frosted effect that makes your engraved design really stand out against the glass background.mirror Laser Engraved

There are many types of ceramic so the result can vary. Typically there is some material removal from the laser processing ceramic and thus an engraved mark is achieved. In some cases not only the top surface is affected, but also the underlying material. This is more common in commercial grade ceramic items such as earthenware. Industrial ceramics are typically much more heat resistant and have a better quality front surface. Because of the surface condition, engraving is usually of the very highest quality.

For some of our items, the details of the laser engraving are relatively straightforward and can be input as a part of the ordering process. For other products, the engraving will be more complex. Do not worry, we can handle any request you have. Feel free to contact us by email or by phone at 603-818-6467 anytime during your shopping process to discuss your particular requirements. We specialize in meeting every customers exact wants from the simply and straightforward to the completely unique and on-of-a-kind, and we will not be satisfied until you are satisfied. For complicated engraving orders, we can email you a proof of what the item will look like before any engraving to be sure it is exactly what you want.
Custom Engraving Quote